
35 search result(s) found

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Raj Sidhu
  • Posted 6 days ago
  • Kharar, India
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work



Raj Sidhu
  • Posted 6 days ago
  • Mumbai, India
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work



Raj Sidhu
  • Posted 1 week ago
  • Kharar, India
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work



  • Posted 3 weeks ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Need to repair one piece English seat

  • Posted 3 weeks ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Need tile work for new kothi in Ansal Kharar

Bed Repair
  • Posted 4 weeks ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Need to repair bed

  • Posted 4 weeks ago
  • Kharar, India
  • Expert
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Need to repair toilet seat in GTB Nagar, KHarar

  • Posted 4 weeks ago
  • Kharar, India
  • Expert
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


  • Posted 4 weeks ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Repair work only

  • Posted 1 month ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


One floor Kothi need electrical fitting complete, 125bsq ft area

  • Posted 1 month ago
  • 1 freelancer
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Fixed price Work


Need to modular kitchen and cupboards

Vikram singh
Harbhagat Kirpa
  • Posted 1 month ago
  • Kharar, India
  • Expert
  • 3 freelancers
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Fixed price Work



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Call Stack
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20.02331278096require( '/var/www/html/xhprof/external/footer.php ).../header.php:169
30.02361441832XHProfRuns_Default->__construct( $dir = ??? ).../footer.php:13
40.02361441832XHProfRuns_Default->db( ).../xhprof_runs.php:84
50.02371441960Db_Pdo->connect( ).../xhprof_runs.php:94

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'server_id' at row 1 in /var/www/html/xhprof/xhprof_lib/utils/Db/Pdo.php on line 56
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Call Stack
10.02331277472xhprof_shutdown_function( ).../header.php:0
20.02331278096require( '/var/www/html/xhprof/external/footer.php ).../header.php:169
30.02411484464XHProfRuns_Default->save_run( $xhprof_data = ['WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_speed_tool==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_clean_request_uri==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::remove_dot_segments' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 9, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 8], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::memoize' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 504], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::log==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_raw_request_uri' => ['ct' => 3, 'wt' => 33, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 528, 'pmu' => 120], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>array_merge' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_server_input' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::setCfHeaders==>strtolower' => ['ct' => 40, 'wt' => 33, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1760, 'pmu' => 136], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::has_rejected_cookie' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 760, 'pmu' => 760], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::memoize==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoize_args_hash' => ['ct' => 3, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_request_uri_base==>reset' => ['ct' => 6, 'wt' => 6, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_debug_mode' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 52, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 2640, 'pmu' => 2640], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_mobile==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::get_process_id==>{closure}' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 23, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 3720, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_rejected_extension==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'xhprof_shutdown_function==>call_user_func' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 8, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 424, 'pmu' => 0], 'timer_start==>microtime' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_maintenance==>wp_is_maintenance_mode' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 7, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 288, 'pmu' => 288], '{closure}==>defined' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>substr' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_host==>trim' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_initial_constants==>microtime' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'register_shutdown_function' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 440, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_mobile_filename==>WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::isTablet' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1125, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 512, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::setHttpHeaders==>is_array' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_is_fatal_error_handler_enabled==>apply_filters' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 504], 'wp_register_fatal_error_handler==>is_readable' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_allow_wp_redirect==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_request_uri_base' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 24, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 720, 'pmu' => 760], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_configs==>defined' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::log==>WP_Rocket\\Logger\\Logger::debug' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 7, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::log==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::get_process_id' => ['ct' => 3, 'wt' => 53, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1040, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 5823, 'cpu' => 3809, 'mu' => 20968, 'pmu' => 28016], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::setCfHeaders==>substr' => ['ct' => 40, 'wt' => 33, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 464, 'pmu' => 248], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_request_uri_base==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_raw_request_uri' => ['ct' => 6, 'wt' => 39, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 512, 'pmu' => 480], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_webp_filename==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_host==>preg_replace' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 7, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 88], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_ip==>filter_var' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_register_fatal_error_handler==>wp_is_fatal_error_handler_enabled' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 8, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 760, 'pmu' => 760], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_cookies' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 48], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::is_memoized==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoize_args_hash' => ['ct' => 19, 'wt' => 20, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::serve_gzip_cache_file==>header' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 6, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 216, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_request_cache_path' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 89, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1856, 'pmu' => 1856], 'wp_initial_constants' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 373, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 217920, 'pmu' => 217344], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::__construct' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 224, 'cpu' => 8, 'mu' => 512, 'pmu' => 0], 'define' => ['ct' => 26, 'wt' => 37, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 752, 'pmu' => 800], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::__construct' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 6, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 192, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_ip==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 101, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 5560, 'pmu' => 5560], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_host==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_server_input' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_ssl==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 40, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 5168, 'pmu' => 5168], 'wp_register_fatal_error_handler==>register_shutdown_function' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 224, 'pmu' => 224], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 508, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 24360, 'pmu' => 20240], 'wp_debug_mode==>apply_filters' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_server_input' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'function_exists' => ['ct' => 14, 'wt' => 14, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 96], 'defined' => ['ct' => 6, 'wt' => 9, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 168], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::setHttpHeaders==>substr' => ['ct' => 40, 'wt' => 38, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1312, 'pmu' => 384], 'wp_debug_mode==>wp_is_json_request' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 19, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1264, 'pmu' => 1264], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_query_string' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 12, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 888, 'pmu' => 496], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_request_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_clean_request_uri' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 32, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 944, 'pmu' => 944], 'call_user_func==>tideways_xhprof_disable' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_speed_tool==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::memoize' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 504], 'phpversion' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 160, 'pmu' => 88], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_allowed_request_method' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 512, 'pmu' => 304], 'wp_debug_mode==>in_array' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_configs==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 9, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 480, 'pmu' => 480], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 15, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_mobile==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::memoize' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 504], 'error_reporting' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 536, 'pmu' => 536], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_rejected_extension==>strtolower' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_convert_hr_to_bytes==>trim' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_rejected_extension==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::memoize' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_doing_ajax==>apply_filters' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_raw_request_uri==>ltrim' => ['ct' => 9, 'wt' => 11, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 560, 'pmu' => 600], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path==>array_reverse' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 184, 'pmu' => 80], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_rejected_extension==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_request_uri_base' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 12, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 424, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_ssl==>strtolower' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>is_ssl' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 6, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>str_replace' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_register_fatal_error_handler==>defined' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_admin==>is_admin@1' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_dynamic_cookies_filename==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_ip==>explode' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 344, 'pmu' => 344], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_mandatory_cookies==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path==>rawurlencode' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 176, 'pmu' => 88], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_mobile_filename==>class_exists' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_host==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_ip==>end' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config_file_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 256], 'wp_initial_constants==>ini_get' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 5, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 56], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::prepareUserAgent==>substr' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_is_ini_value_changeable==>ini_get_all' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 242, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 214888, 'pmu' => 214888], 'wp_initial_constants==>wp_is_ini_value_changeable' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 250, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 215552, 'pmu' => 215512], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_ssl==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_ssl' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 7, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 384, 'pmu' => 384], 'WP_Rocket\\Logger\\Logger::info==>WP_Rocket\\Logger\\Logger::debug_enabled' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 8, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::matchDetectionRulesAgainstUA==>WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::getRules' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 43, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 13136, 'pmu' => 13136], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_user_agent==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_fix_server_vars==>str_ends_with' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'wp_fix_server_vars==>wp_populate_basic_auth_from_authorization_header' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoized==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_memoize_args_hash' => ['ct' => 16, 'wt' => 16, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_ip==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::memoize' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 504, 'pmu' => 416], '{closure}==>{closure}@1' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 39, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 7368, 'pmu' => 4392], 'wp_initial_constants==>str_contains' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 56], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_admin' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 9, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 512, 'pmu' => 0], 'version_compare' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 3, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 144], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_speed_tool==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_server_input' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 96], 'ini_set' => ['ct' => 3, 'wt' => 5, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 120], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::serve_gzip_cache_file==>readgzfile' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 15062, 'cpu' => 4029, 'mu' => 16784, 'pmu' => 11968], 'date_default_timezone_set' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 11, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 136, 'pmu' => 136], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_configs' => ['ct' => 15, 'wt' => 165, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 5224, 'pmu' => 5224], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::__construct==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Abstract_Buffer::__construct' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_mobile==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_server_input' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::serve_gzip_cache_file==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_if_modified_since' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 12, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 2280, 'pmu' => 0], 'wp_is_fatal_error_handler_enabled==>defined' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_webp_filename' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 19, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::remove_dot_segments==>strpos' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::get_cache_path==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_mobile_filename' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 5642, 'cpu' => 3809, 'mu' => 18472, 'pmu' => 26112], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::maybe_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Cache::serve_gzip_cache_file' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 15174, 'cpu' => 4029, 'mu' => 17936, 'pmu' => 12528], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_query_string==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::get_query_params' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 2, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket_Mobile_Detect::match==>preg_match' => ['ct' => 485, 'wt' => 1380, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 27288, 'pmu' => 784], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_rejected_file==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::is_memoized' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 0], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_uri' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 49, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 1272, 'pmu' => 1272], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::has_mandatory_cookie==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_mandatory_cookies' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 13, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 256], 'wp_initial_constants==>is_multisite' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 8, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 256], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_process_uri==>WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Config::get_config' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 10, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 256, 'pmu' => 256], '{closure}' => ['ct' => 2, 'wt' => 62, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 6864, 'pmu' => 120], 'is_multisite==>defined' => ['ct' => 4, 'wt' => 4, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 168], 'WP_Rocket\\Buffer\\Tests::can_init_process==>is_array' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 128], 'is_ssl==>strtolower' => ['ct' => 1, 'wt' => 1, 'cpu' => 0, 'mu' => 128, 'pmu' => 0], ...], $type = 'xhprof', $run_id = NULL, $xhprof_details = ['dbtype' => 'mysql', 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'dbuser' => 'xhprof28447', 'dbpass' => '1YpXyFRuElG5gTC', 'dbname' => 'xhprof9419385', 'dbadapter' => 'Pdo', 'servername' => 'xhprof', 'namespace' => 'xhprof', 'url' => '', 'getparam' => '_profile', 'serializer' => 'php', 'dot_binary' => '/usr/bin/dot', 'dot_tempdir' => '/tmp', 'dot_errfile' => '/tmp/xh_dot.err', 'display' => FALSE, 'doprofile' => TRUE, 'ext_name' => 'tideways_xhprof', 'savepost' => TRUE, 'type' => 0] ).../footer.php:14
40.02481501888Db_Pdo->query( $sql = 'INSERT INTO `details` (`id`, `url`, `c_url`, `timestamp`, `server name`, `perfdata`, `type`, `cookie`, `post`, `get`, `pmu`, `wt`, `cpu`, `server_id`, `aggregateCalls_include`) VALUES(\'66eb90be37e0d\', \'/search-projects/\', \'/search-projects/\', FROM_UNIXTIME(\'1726714046\'), \'ziffii.com\', \'x^]K8/uڽYWc\006Ӄ\034vŠ\a{\031@PLuۖ[;j}#H& 嬬SUR8\030/\036wf[O?ͯ^_?78vP\\r9Tc\035?\v;5\034>PJwݧv>\017\005|(o.WuR\037|rǰfa^\037\\\\oW@g\017DTnԜ!B6Lo^\034z7?\\'... ).../xhprof_runs.php:458
50.02481501888query( $query = 'INSERT INTO `details` (`id`, `url`, `c_url`, `timestamp`, `server name`, `perfdata`, `type`, `cookie`, `post`, `get`, `pmu`, `wt`, `cpu`, `server_id`, `aggregateCalls_include`) VALUES(\'66eb90be37e0d\', \'/search-projects/\', \'/search-projects/\', FROM_UNIXTIME(\'1726714046\'), \'ziffii.com\', \'x^]K8/uڽYWc\006Ӄ\034vŠ\a{\031@PLuۖ[;j}#H& 嬬SUR8\030/\036wf[O?ͯ^_?78vP\\r9Tc\035?\v;5\034>PJwݧv>\017\005|(o.WuR\037|rǰfa^\037\\\\oW@g\017DTnԜ!B6Lo^\034z7?\\'..., $fetchMode = ??? ).../Pdo.php:56